Expect Delays
I recently traveled from St. Croix to Atlanta and experienced an unexpected delay at the Miami International Airport.
Delays are a normal expectation. Yet, this experience was very abnormal because it extended our travel with an overnight stay in Miami after boarding the same plane twice but on different occasions. The passengers were frustrated and angry each time the pilot was forced to return to the gate because of a mechanical malfunction. One passenger became irate and belligerent, saying, “I want off this plane because we are going in circles.”
Although delays are a way of life, we are often programmed to receive instant solutions for everything, from traveling to preparing meals. Only through such delays can we progress toward thinking differently about unfortunate circumstances.
When circumstances present delays, we assume it is a failure that is occurring. We think delays are another way of saying stop because you are headed in the wrong direction. Yet, we should realize that delays develop resilience. Resilience is the ability to recover or to adjust to change. So, the best way to recover from anything is for you to have these experiences. The more experiences you have, the more preparedness you can develop, and more preparedness leads to opportunities.
This travel delay at Miami International Airport allowed me to ponder the Meaningless Worship lesson from See You n Sunday. In this lesson, the Prophet Isaiah noted that people’s behavior failed to sync with God’s purpose.
Forasmuch as this people draw nigh unto me, and with their mouth and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me…(Isaiah 29:13 KJV)
I pondered over this question during this abnormal delay. When I attend church, do I expect delays when worshipping God?
Remember, experiences lead to preparedness, and preparedness creates opportunities. So, what opportunities materialize when I attend a church service? Do I recognize opportunities to please God in everyday circumstances? Yet, the Savior repeats these same words in Matthew 17:7-9: This people honoreth me with their lips; But their heart is far from me. But in vain do they worship me, Teaching as their doctrines the precepts of men.
This delay at the Miami airport allowed me to meet another Mickey traveling from Costa Rico because his father became ill while visiting his sister in Georgia. Since this Mickey had never traveled to the U.S., he too was frustrated and tired because of these delays. We shared a moment together, and he shared his story. Later, we exchanged contacts, and the next day I received this message as follows:
Hi Mickey!
Wanted to let you know I got to the hospital around 2:30 a.m. last night. Stayed with my pops and have been here with him ever since. I am forever grateful I crossed paths with you and your beautiful family. Your prayers have gone a long way, and my father is getting better slowly but surely. Small steps make a difference. I send my love to you and your family, hoping for the best in everything you do and set your mind to. You were my angels yesterday; you brought me smiles on one of my hardest days on this earth. And I am forever grateful 🙏🏽
This delay allowed me to meet another Mickey on a different journey, but our paths crossed, and we each received a blessing. Therefore, the next time you encounter a delay, try to turn it into an opportunity for God. Make your worship meaningful rather than meaningless by looking for opportunities for God. Reflect on His goodness, thank Him for His blessings, and ask Him how He wants you to use this delay.
Delays can lead to opportunities if we think differently.