Faith and Work

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.

(James 2:19 KJV)

Living in the Western culture, many individuals believe in the existence of God. They can even verify their belief that Jesus' deity as God, their Savior. Yet, their error in this belief reveals limitations since their actions reveals something totally different from their confession. Because of this misleading notion, the Apostle James hints at a valuable truth by referencing to another created being, devils. By acknowledging devils, James encourages a broader understanding of faith and a deeper appreciation of works that follow one’s faith.

First James' statement is relevant for the way that the majority thinks in Western culture:  you are doing well if you believe in one God. Yet James follows that statement with, the devils believe in one God, and they tremble. What a remarkable statement! Before demons became demons, they were angels. However, the conversion from angels to demons originated from their works, not their beliefs. The connection between beliefs and works reflected in angels to demons is evident in James' statement. While demons believe in God, their works turn them from God. This revelation emphasizes the importance of believing and acting upon one's beliefs, because works define and shape one’s faith. The Apostle James wants his readers to grasp that faith and works represent a two-sided coin. Faith is on one side of the coin, and the other side of the coin serves as evidence of faith.

Since demons were angels at first, they became demons because their works contradicted their Lordship. Why Lordship? The term Lordship is very challenging when one lives in Western culture. Here, everyone has rights and believes his rights supersede other’s rights. Yet, Lordship refers to recognizing and submitting to God's authority and sovereignty in every aspect of life. When you recognize God's Lordship, you have no rights. Therefore, Lordship signifies the acceptance of Jesus as the Lord of one's life, which is more than a verbal confession. When you allow His Lordship to reign, selfish agendas become irrelevant. This process of rendering Lordship to God differs from self-recognition because one becomes committed to the Kingdom's agenda rather than his own agenda.

Subsequently, true faith implies transformation that reflects God's character and aligns with God's agenda. Because the demons believe in God, this belief must extend beyond believing toward producing the works necessary to reign with Christ in His Kingdom. Remember, Satan and his angels were removed from this reign. Therefore, James' message reminds us that true faith goes beyond mere belief but requires active engagement. By aligning our actions with our beliefs, you submit to God's Lordship leading toward a transformative faith that empowers us to participate in the Kingdom of God, and later transcending as an angel-like being. Since God is prefect, an imperfect being can align under His Lordship to find refuge. The Psalmist states it this way:

As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.

Psalms 18:30 NKJV

 So, who is the Lordship over your life? Does God possess your Lordship or are you like devils who decided to align themselves away from God?

By aligning our actions with our beliefs, you submit to God's Lordship leading toward a transformative faith that empowers us to participate in the Kingdom of God, and later transcending as an angel-like being.


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