Hey Google

The other day I spoke the command Hey Google into my Google 2nd Gen Hub for it to dial my aunt, but Google dialed my cousin instead. Even though both names are similar in pronunciation – Doris and Devry; they are distinctly two different people. My intention was to speak with my aunt, but unexpectedly I ended up conversing with my cousin. With Google Assistant, we find answers to questions, uncover the distance from home to work with the best-timed route, identify the weather forecast, determine past scores of our favorite football team, get the latest news, identify what is trending, and even find our missing cell phone. Google can do it all, and you only must speak into the microphone Hey Google, find me a pound cake recipe or play my smooth jazz playlist. Hey Google connects us with the unknown by simply saying the phrase Hey Google followed by request. With so much information at our fingertips, we may mistake Google as a source instead of a resource. Remember, God is our source, and it is vital that we never replace God with Google or anything else. Some people may forget the true source when their lives center around comforts that are lesser. For instance, people may take things for granted when they achieve a certain level of wealth or success, disregarding that God is their only source and relying on material possessions for control.

Numerous themes occur and recur in the Scriptures about God’s chosen people. Similarly, The Book Nehemiah (Ninth Chapter) records the Israelites confessing their reliance away from God and then crying out to Him for deliverance. For this reason, this prayer emphasizes the primary source:

Thou, even thou, art LORD alone; thou hast made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth, and all things that are therein, the seas, and all that is therein, and thou preservest them all; and the host of heaven worshippeth thee.

Nehemiah 9:6 KJV

Although Scripture reveals a repeated cycle in which God was rescuing His people, they often forsake Him leading to another rescue by God. Yet, they soon realized collectively that their source was the LORD God despite their circumstances. Thou, even thou, art LORD alone…

Israelites knew that God was more because all creation, including the heavens, originated because of Him. So, should earthy beings render the same if the heavenly beings worship God? Worshiping God is the sign of acknowledging Him as the Creator of all. It is a way of recognizing His authority and acknowledging He controls everything. Hey Google gives us a false sense of control because we have access to answers or we can control our devices, but God is ultimately the one who controls everything.

This acknowledgment will allow us to confess and repent our faithlessness and failure to give Him the worship He deserves. Simultaneously, we must recognize He is the Creator of all things, including Hey Google.

We must recognize He is the Creator of all things, including Hey Google.


Whether Joy or Happiness


Silent Gen and Gen Alpha