Hope Satisfies

When you study the Book of Job, it opens your eyes to God's sovereignty. God alone does what He pleases when He pleases and how He pleases. As God can see the entirety of the picture, I must trust Him despite my short-sightedness, just as Job did. Also, I must avoid the behavior of Job’s friends – Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar - who lacked knowledge while claiming the truth. They wrongly portrayed God as angry and judgmental toward Job. As a result of their behavior, God accused them of sin while validating Job's righteousness. For example, Job states after his encounter with God.

I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you; therefore, I retract and repent in dust and ashes. (Job 42: 7-8)

This passage highlights Job's repentance and the importance of understanding God's true nature. It also warns us against making assumptions about God's intentions.

Lastly, God's sovereignty reminds us that He is the only one who knows what is right. He controls everything at all times. Therefore, the lesson I learned from Job's story is clear: we must trust that God's plans will ultimately lead us to a better place. So, trusting in God's sovereignty is vital to understanding life’s lessons while assuring us that God will help us reach our destiny. If we can grasp the lessons from life, He is teaching us.

Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar wrongly portrayed God as angry and judgmental towards Job, which actually they displeased God.


Tribute to Mother Lois Simpkins


Hope Complains