In Memory of Beverly Lawson Peterman

When I am able to communicate with my loved ones then I am able to grasp the significance of understanding the difference between time and eternity. Time tends to move forward. Yet, when I reminisce with my loved ones about our past interaction, I acquire a sense of eternity.

I believe eternity is the opposite of time, for time is constantly moving in one direction with the inability to stop. Whereas, eternity remains in the presence with the ability to collect from both the past and future while creating a unique, overwhelming experience. For instance, when you are in the presence of a true friend, even if he or she questions your friendship. The answer is already known because it resonates an eternal impact. Remember when the Savior questioned Peter's friendship by reiterating these words: "Peter, son of Jona, Do You Love Me?" The Savior proposed this question three times, even though he knew that the answer was the same each time. However, the questioning merged the past and future into present for the sole benefit of Peter, to remind him of this encounter when facing unbearable events later in life. Similarly, is my experience with a true friend like Beverly, each engaging conversation, the pondering of deep questions and even laughing until you hurt, creates an eternal presence that will only reveal itself when we, too, transition into the unknown state of eternity.

Don, this song, I'll Be There (by Jackson 5) epitomizes your relationship with Beverly because I know you were there despite the circumstances. Remain at peace, my eternal friend, Beverly Lawson Peterman for our time spent together will last forever.


Census 2020 vs COVID-19


Matthew 5:16 vs Mathew 6:1-4