Insufficient Funds

Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am. (John 8:58)

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Insufficient (nonsufficient) funds refer to the status of a checking account that does not have enough money to cover a transaction. If a bank receives a check written on your account with insufficient funds, the bank will refuse payment and charge you a fee. Typically, the bank will send you a notice in the mail stating that you have insufficient funds. Now, your bank can cover the overspent funds; but, most often the policy dictates that the bank will only cover the funds that you deposited in your account. Remember the bank has more depositors than you, so everyone’s funds remain intact for the simple reason of ensuring a profit for the bank. It is rarely for the bank to use other depositors to cover another’s transaction with insufficient funds. Therefore, the beneficiary of your deposits is not you anymore, but the bank becomes the beneficiary. This system seems normal for our society especially in my local community with a population of less than 3000, because the number of operating banks are more than the number of traffic lights to direct the flow of vehicles.

When Jesus lived approximately 2,000 years ago, it appeared normal for the religious leaders to guide the people in the ways of God. Yet, Jesus challenged this normalcy because their leadership failed to profit what God intended, instead the leaders themselves became the beneficiary. The Apostle John writes of a certain dialogue when Jesus explains that His actions are based on God’s intension compared to religious teachers as guidelines from their earthly master, Satan. (John 8:38-48) Notice the accusation from the leadership toward Jesus, “At this point the Jews said, “Now we know you’re crazy. Abraham died. The prophets died. And you show up saying, ‘If you practice what I’m telling you, you’ll never have to face death, not even a taste.’ Are you greater than Abraham, who died? And the prophets who died! Who do you think you are? (John 8:52-53 MSG) Although their anger was mild at this point, but when Jesus used the term “Before Abraham was, “I am,” the religious leaders became so angry with Jesus that they picked up stones to kill him.

Why this statement kindled such an outrage among the leadership?

As sinful humans, we have insufficient funds to pay our sin bill. Yet, we keep trying to rack up points thinking that our good deeds will somehow outweigh our sinful nature. We even justify our sinful acts by saying nonchalantly, “everyone sins and the only prefect individual was Jesus.” As soon as we realize that the do's and don'ts mindset lack heavenly awards, we will grasp the significance of Jesus' intention for saying, “I am.”

The Apostle John records on number of occasions when Jesus used this term “I am" to convey to his readers the true meaning. For instance, when Jesus delayed His return to Bethany when Lazarus became ill and died. He informs Martha that “I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. (John 11:25) On another occasion Jesus informed His audience, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” (John 8:12) Again, Jesus explained that “I am the door of the sheep.” (John 10:7) In other words, Jesus is the gatekeeper to life’s issues and only through Him will you find sufficient funds to meet your life obligations.  Even the Apostle Paul asks the same claim of Jesus' intention by stating that His grace is sufficient for us since His strength is made perfect in our weakness. Paul reiterates that he rather accepts his defeats so the power of Christ may become relevant. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Mainly, we must realize that we have insufficient funds to meet our life obligations no matter the amount of wealth you accumulate or the status that you obtain on Earth. You can do nothing to pay for your sins because God's prefect standard is unachievable from a deprived sinful human. Allow the “I am to fulfill that void in your life because Jesus has the sufficient funds to pay your debt. Know Jesus as the…I am your door…I am your provider…I am your problem solver…I am your decision maker…I am your Savior…I am your life. When you grasp this concept in every area of your life then you will realize that His grace is sufficient.  


My Tribute to John Culver


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