King Agrippa

Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

Acts 26:28 KJV

If you knew that your life would end the bloodline of your ancestors, would your priorities change? How would you live your life if you or your siblings had no offspring? When I analyze the conversation between Apostle Paul and King Agrippa II, my mind reflects on these questions, mainly because Agrippa ends the bloodline of Herod’s offspring. Because the Apostle Paul recounted his testimony, the King's reaction was astounding. Paul, you almost persuade me to become a Christian. Was his response a reflection based on feelings? Often, we respond without thinking about the long-term effects, only about how we presently feel. Yet, if we linger on a response, we may think about our legacy and the effects on the next generation.

Remember, the term Christian was negative. They used this term in contempt or dislike, like today when someone uses the word Nazi concerning the Holocaust. Therefore, the interpretation of King Agrippa’s comment is as follows: Paul, because of your experience and persuasion, I, too, may become like you in the eyes of others. What a powerful reply to receive when you share your experience with someone. We all want to evoke a lasting impression when we share with others. Remember, Paul had been locked in jail for two years while awaiting to appeal his case to the Roman Emperor when he was brought before Festus, Agrippa, and Bernice. The plea of innocence encapsulated his true life's purpose while revealing that his concern for freedom was less important than knowing how they should grasp the true meaning of his imprisonment.

Paul replied,I pray to God that both you and those here listening to me would one day become the same as I am, except, of course, without these chains.”

Acts 26:29 TPT

True believers are never boastful individuals. As a result, they place a greater emphasis on others than on themselves. They know that boasting about themselves and their acclaim to fame is illegitimate in the absence of God's approval. Believers understand that their situation is a gift from God. Therefore, they cannot and should not boast because God is responsible for such situations. The Apostle Paul realizes this truth even during a depraved situation. Yet, his persuasion and experience caused King Agrippa II to say, you almost persuade me.

As you converse with others about your experience with Christ, are the results a lasting impression?


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