I May Know Him

In 1982, Robert Reid, one of the NBA’s outstanding players, decided to walk away from the game. He forfeited his $300,000 contract to return to the church. Can you imagine quitting something that offered you privileges but conflicted with your religious teaching? Although Robert Reid returned to the NBA after one year, his rationale for quitting is as follows:

“You have loved ones who are not interested in money and fame; they’re just concerned about your soul,” Reid says. “I decided to quit. I was through with professional basketball. It just wasn’t important to me. I made my decision, and I felt good.”

Robert Reid Used to Believe He Was Sinning by Playing Pro Basketball

The Apostle Paul experienced similar feelings from the event that transpired on the road to Damascus. So, when he penned his letter to the Philippians, he recalled why he quit the practice of Judaism:

Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, (Philippians 3:5)

Today, we may compromise activities that conflict with our spiritual beliefs. Why? Because media plays an essential part in our lives, it tends to program our beliefs instead of our experiences. We often concede as victims of bias governed by societal conformity instead of remembering our earlier spiritual experiences. Yet, Paul did not allow the Hebrew norm to alter his decision regarding Jesus. The experience on the road to Damascus was always in his mind. This experience launched an experiential revelation about Jesus. So, Paul denounced his privilege as a Hebrew for the knowledge of Jesus by stating that he wanted to Know Him and His resurrection power. In other words, Paul wanted an intimate relationship with Jesus that replicates the resurrection power. Therefore, your environment has less influence when you Know Jesus. Your situation seems insignificant when you Know Jesus. Your wants become minuscule when you Know Jesus.

So today, wherever you are or whatever you feel, ask yourself if you Know Jesus.

The SYNSS Podcast that accompanies this blog is entitled Gaining in Jesus Christ. Click here to watch.


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