Jesus’ Teaching on the Law

See You N Sunday School Podcast entitled Jesus' Teaching of the Law

A year ago, my children gave me a Kombucha kit as a gift. At the time, I was limited in my knowledge of Kombucha, but I began exploring this drink and discovered that it is an ancient method of fermenting tea naturally. It involves the conversion of sugar and black tea through microorganisms. If I had avoided this interest and ignored my children's spirit in giving this gift, I would have missed out on the benefits of Kombucha.

 As technologically advanced believers, we want to avoid the pitfalls of the Pharisees, who missed out on the benefits of knowing Jesus and understanding His teaching. During New Testament times, the Pharisees added hundreds of traditions while elevating their traditions to the same importance as the Law itself. They differed with any interpretation of the Law that opposed their reasoning.

 Do we, too, sometimes see things one way, failing to grasp the totality of the gift that Jesus delivered to us on the Cross? This lack of understanding of the Scriptures can hinder our growth as believers, leading us to honor God with our lips instead of our hearts like the Pharisees. Yet, God is more interested in our internal state than in the external image we portray. Similarly, I realized that Kombucha aids the internal gut while providing benefits to improve my digestive system, boost immunity, and even aid with reducing stress and anxiety. What a missed opportunity if I kept a closed mind to my children‘s gift.

 As 20th-century believers, we must exercise caution against falling into the trap of legalism, where we prioritize rules over a genuine relationship with God. We must constantly examine our hearts and ensure that our faith reflects a sincere desire to honor God in all aspects of our lives. For example, if we attend church service every Sunday but fail to live a life of generosity with our time and resources for Kingdom work, have we become a hypocrite like the Pharisees? Remember, the Pharisees externally seemed religious, but internally, they wanted to stop Jesus and His teaching.

 The ancient technique of making Kombucha has been employed for thousands of years because I was unfamiliar with the ancient drink and lacked knowledge until my children presented this gift. Then, I became intrigued and researched its benefits. As of now, I am reaping the benefits by making and sharing the drink with others. Likewise, when we understand the truth of Jesus’ teaching and grasp the spirit of the Law internally, we can reap the benefits and share with others freely.  

 As New Testament believers, we are saved by faith, not by observing the ceremonial rituals in Scripture. Just as a parent must oversee a child’s life until the child matures and is ready to live independently, the Old Testament Law was given to prepare us for salvation through faith. So, the customs and rules were helpful, but achieving full maturity in faith is our long-term goal.

Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. Galatians 3:23 NIV


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