My Tribute to Bishop Lee Ward
The way a person lives will render a collateral effect on others, whether they acknowledge the impact verbally or demonstrate it physically. One can live conservatively within boundaries or liberally beyond boundaries, but his/her life, unbeknownst to him/her, will always impact others. This impact is known as the collateral effect.
by Mickey Baker
Over the years, I have discovered a collateral effect after a person has transitioned through the reactions of others, even if it is a delayed reaction. A collateral effect can either serve as a secondary impact on one’s life or as a reinforcement in a unique direction of one’s life. Yet, my reaction after hearing the transitioning of Bishop Lee Ward is somewhat a delayed reaction. I say a delayed reaction because his lifetime impact will consciously emanate to a full realization as hope and faith become deliberative in my life. In other words, his collateral effect for me will serve as a continual guide that is ever-evolving into the likeness of a model as exemplified by Bishop Ward. Anyone who knows him can easily attest that Bishop Ward is a true Kingdom Man. He is a role model for men, young and old, anywhere, especially in his birthplace of Abbeville, Alabama. Without a doubt, Bishop Ward loved his home town and his church, and he never forgot his beginnings.
One of my last conversations with Bishop Ward occurred in Abbeville. As I reminisce about this conversation, it was more directive than suggestive. Do you remember the conversation when the heavenly Angel corrected Apostle John in Revelation? John wanted to worship the Angel after he witnessed such a splendid scene in heaven, but the Angel quickly reminded John, “…See thou do it not: I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” (Revelation 19:10 KJV) Likewise, Bishop Ward reminded me of his testimony of Jesus through the spirit of prophecy. Comparable the Angel directed John to write, so Bishop Ward directed me to embrace my calling. Because of this reminder, Bishop Ward set in motion this collateral effect that speared me toward an unchartered exploration but committed to the cause. Yet, I am determined to proceed with a continuum of labor in Kingdom activities, while acknowledging the same Savior as the Apostle John pinned, that he (Jesus) hath on his vesture and his thigh a name is written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. - Revelation 19:16
As a fellow member of this Kingdom, Bishop Ward's legacy will persist with a collateral effect like no other person with whom I shared a connection. I realize that Bishop Ward’s youthful experiences compelled him toward so many spiritual opportunities. Although, I vividly remembered his encouragement from my youth to “place God first in your life, and afterward, you will see the wonders of God displaying many opportunities for you. So don’t create skeletons because when God uses you the skeletons won’t appear.” I now realize that I, too, must leave a legacy of Kingdom work so my life will commence with a similar collateral effect on others, just as Bishop Ward’s life had on mine.
Bishop Lee Ward
Abbeville Memorial
Church of God in Christ
in Abbeville, AL
My Prayer of Bereavement
Jehovah Jireh, there is none like YOU. Every day, I want to praise and worship YOUR glorious name. So today I weep at the transitioning of our beloved Bishop Lee Ward. For your WORD states in Psalm 18:22 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer. My God, my strength, in whom I will trust? My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Therefore, I pray that your WORD will resonate in our minds and the minds of his family. Please comfort us when loneliness strikes as we feel the lost on our Bishop. With unison, we cry out in desperation for peace. Yet, with confidence and faith, we know that God, the Father, will emerge and continue to strengthen us. Lastly, YOU are our rock, fortress, and deliver especially in times like this. Thus, we petition this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Bishop Lee Ward visiting his home church.