Prayer for Healing

Dearest heavenly Father, I know that you are an all knowing and all powerful God who created us in your image. Although, you created our physical existence from dirt that abides within the elements of Earth so we understand our limited status. Nevertheless, you breathed life that created our natural and spiritual existence. Therefore, healing will occur from your physical touch as noted  in the Scriptures when People brought all their sick to YOU and begged YOU to let the sick just touch the edge of YOUR cloak, and all who touched YOU were healed” (Matthew 14:35–36). Now today as God the Son sits on the right hand of God the Father realizing this scene in history, we plead and beg like the people of that day for you to allow us to touch YOUR cloak with our spiritual hands. Then you will release YOUR healing power to flow into these feeble bodies like renewed strength to glorify, yet again your marvelous Love and Grace toward us. In Jesus' name I pray.


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