Prayer of Bereavement

Dearest heavenly Father, I know that only your Words can comfort during times of bereavement. In Proverbs 13:22, it states that a good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children. So I pray that we begin to understand the term inheritance. Many times we think that an inheritance consists of things, but an inheritance can also consist of a legacy. When loved ones depart from their earthly life, they leave a legacy. Yet, I petition you, our heavenly Father to give us the strength to live our loved ones’ legacy so their remembrance will never disappear. Although, it has been over 2,000 years since your Son walk the Earth in a human body, yet the legacy of HIS teaching has never deteriorated. Daily, HIS followers continue to revive HIS Words. Likewise, the descendants of any patriarch or matriarch should live this legacy. So I pray that during this time of bereavement that the children's children will grasp the understanding of their loved one’s departure as an intangible inheritance for each of them to remember. This request I pray in Jesus' name, AMEN!

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Tribute to Kenneth Scott


Rescue Mission