
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;                             Ecclesiastes 12:1

King Solomon, the wisest of all during his life time, provides a profound truth in the last chapter of Ecclesiastes of the Old Testament. As he searches for the true meaning of life, he concludes with the recognition of the Giver of life by reminding his readers to “Remember their Creator.” Basically, whether a natural life form like a plant or an artificial intelligence mechanical object as a smartphone, each requires a set life span. Nothing can last forever on Earth; everything has a limited time. So King Solomon asks his readers to REMEMBER how you came into existence and the purpose of your existence in Ecclesiastes 12:1. 

The evolution of technology is beyond amazement. For instance, if you research the components within a smartphone you will find a substance from a natural rock, known as a quartz as the main source that enables the device to communicate. The computer chip in a smartphone comes from sand, which is a scientific term to express a small grain size of the mineral quartz. Quartz consists of silicon and oxygen and this silicon enables the current to flow through the semiconductor. This feature allows the user to access the network system to communicate. Yet, the life expectancy of a smartphone is only 15 to 18 months. During the second year of your personal smartphone, the response time becomes slower compared to when you first purchased it. Like any consumer, you start seeking an upgrade for the latest version of your smartphone. This ongoing process of upgrading benefits the smartphone’s creator because you are caught within a purchasing cycle of constantly upgrading to latest smartphone.

As King Solomon explores the true meaning of life in Ecclesiastes, he realizes that the Giver of life is more significance than life itself. Our lives comprise of a set life cycle within time limits. Therefore, King Solomon wants his readers to REMEMBER the purpose of their existence. Like the smartphone that maximizes its value during time period when its operational level meets the demand of the user; likewise, we as humans must maximize the value of our usefulness for the Creator. The quicker you recognize your purpose as designated by the Creator, you will gain a different perspective about life and become more valuable with age instead of waiting toward the end of your life span to discover such.  If one waits toward the end of the smartphone’s life expectancy to explore the various features like Google pay, Google drive, Google assistant, Google news, Google photos, Google maps, etc. it will have no value for the user. Likewise, if we wait toward the end of our life to grasp to true meaning of life we demonstrate less value for our Creator.

So I challenge you to REMEMBER YOUR CREATOR and understand your purpose at a youthful age so you will increase your usefulness and worthiness in the Creator's Kingdom as you age during your limited life expectancy.


Who Are You


The Word of Wisdom