Is Christ Divided?

Paul asked the Corinth saints a series of rhetorical questions like this to alert their behavior. Then, Paul begged them to stop ripping each other apart, tearing up the body of Christ. He encouraged them to unite under the same cause, as noted in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. So, ask yourself this question: Since I think differently, does my opinion enhance the Kingdom of God or defeat others? In other words, our preferences cannot marginalize the differences of others. Why? God created uniqueness within each person, yet God uses this uniqueness to build His Kingdom. For instance, everyone in an orchestra plays the same song under one conductor, not because they all play the same instrument. Everyone on the basketball team plays different roles but has the same aim. However, the Apostle Paul uses the term same three times in the following verse:

 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.

1 Corinthians 1:10

 Speak the same thing.

Have the same mind.

Exercise the same judgment.

 It is impossible for Paul to challenge sameness when everyone's uniqueness overrides it.

 Like an orchestra with different instruments, one harmonious sound occurs when all the various musicians follow the conductor's direction. We must remember that we, too, are part of a team, the heavenly team. Our lives must reflect our Savior, Jesus Christ—nothing more and nothing less. As part of the body of Christ, we should speak in a way that represents Christ. We should have the same mind as Christ had regarding humility toward others. Finally, we should exercise the same judgment as Christ by placing His will before ours as He did for His Father’s will. By living this way, we, too, will become saints who are perfectly joined together.


Glorify God with Your Bodies


Small Things