Simony Attitude

For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. Acts 8:23

Life is challenging for everyone, especially for someone whose status encounters a downgrading. We see people's status change daily in sports, news media, etc. For example, if a college coach experiences a losing season, then alums decide to offer him a buyout so they can pursue the hiring of a new coach. The rationale is always the same; the team needs a new direction. Such an experience is typical until it happens to you. When you face a life challenge, your reaction will affect your progress in the Kingdom more profoundly than you can imagine.

The context of the verse above records a conversation between Apostle Peter and Simon the Sorcerer. The Scripture indicates that Simon had a great following because of his use of sorcery and his ability to bewitch people. When Philip arrived and preached the good news, many people believed and accepted his teaching. Even Simon became a convert and followed Philip around the city as an observer instead of a follower. Yet, when he saw Apostle Peter and John lay hands on the people resulting in receiving the Holy Spirit, Simon became ecstatic. He even offered to purchase the ability to harness and give the Holy Spirit to others like them. Because of this request, the Scripture indicates a strong rebuke by Peter, stating, For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity. What is Peter referring to when he uses the terms – the gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity?

When a person encounters a status change, he becomes torn with feelings of despair and helplessness. He tries to remedy the situation with his ability. Likewise, Simon realized that he had lost his influence with the people, so if he could purchase this ability, as demonstrated by the Apostles, it would save his status. Simon looked within himself to resolve his issue instead of understanding what he was asking. Simon proposed a simple solution; if you lack status, pay to acquire it. Even today, some people think that money can resolve all situations. When a church leader reminds the parishioners it takes money to operate the church to increase their giving. Each of them may interpret that comment differently. Some may interpret such statements that money is the sole object to fulfill the Kingdom's plan. Therefore, an increase in their tithes for the sole reason of acquiring a monetary blessing. Yet, Peter tells Simon, "May your money be destroyed with you for thinking God's gift can be bought!” God's blessings have no merits that one can fulfill as a payoff. God has no use for our money; neither can we buy or sell God or anything associated with God.

Simon's intention is known as simony. Simony is similar to trafficking drugs, except you use spiritual things to profit monetarily. Although money is part of an exchange system for payment of goods and services, God is the source of the complete exchange system. Because Simon failed to recognize the source, he remained in the gall of bitterness and bond of iniquity. Therefore, as believers, we must keep from developing a simony attitude, believing that you can purchase your way to blessing.


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First Sight