Stand By Me

The question is, where does your inspiration come from when your world is shaken? So often, we face unprecedented situations that tend to shake our existence. Where can one find valuable inspiration during such times?

In 1960, Ben E. King, a songwriter and performer, was inspired to update the gospel hymn "Stand by Me" into an R&B melody that became a classic. The lyrics reflect Psalm 46, which states, "will not we fear, though the Earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea."

Likewise, the writer of Hebrews reflects on the events at Mt Sinai in the Old Testament when he writes, "God is a consuming fire." Therefore, one cannot trifle with God when your world is shaken. When King penned his lyric Stand By Me, he reminded his listeners that he won't be afraid if the sky falls and the moon is the only light in the sky. He won't be afraid if the mountain should crumble to the sea as long as his darling Stands By Me—what a display of awesome passion when you hear these lyrics embedded in the music. Likewise, believers must have the same passion for God, knowing that when life shakes around us, our God will remain right there, standing by you. Even if the believer cannot touch or see God, knowing that He will never leave or forsake His children should give us enough inspiration to exercise faith when life shakes around us. The believer may lose money, houses, or property but must exercise faith. You should remember that prominence rests in the intangible things with Jesus, where He sits in authority by the will of the Father. For instance, Stephen, one of the first deacons in the New Testament, lost his life as nonbelievers in Jerusalem stoned him because of his belief. Yet, Jesus stood up in His place of authority to welcome Stephen's spirit into the heavenly city as reflected in Hebrews12:22. But you have come to Mount Zion and the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels.

As believers, you must seek inspiration from thoughts about what awaits you in the heavenly city while realizing that God is standing by you.


Faith Requires Mutual Love


Faith is Endurance