The Lesser is blessed by the Better

Hebrews 7:7

I wrote this on October 16, 2018, in my journal:

After watching the movie, Collateral Beauty with students, I found a new way of looking at death. One must look for the secondary beauty of an event instead of the face value. Remember for any seed to germinate it must undergo a metamorphosis, it must die to move from state to another state. So instead of looking at the processes of death from a mono perspective, one needs to recognize the totality of the death process from a metamorphosis perspective. Remember, no two substances can occupy the same space in the universe, so death allows one substance to move from one space to another space while ensuring that life continues. Without death, life becomes nonexistence because it lacks no method of transitioning. Death allows the continuity of this world as an ever-evolving transmutation as intended by the Creator.

So today, October 16, 2020, I further my thought-process with Collateral Beauty:

Now as I observe my granddaughter evolving from her birth on December 5, 2019, to October 2020. I realize that I too will transition as I noted two years ago. Until then, I will pour into my offspring as my parents poured into me, and likewise, my children will continue to pour into their offspring as a perpetual cycle, the lesser is blessed by the better. (Hebrews 7:7)

As my parents blessed me, I must bless my children which will ensure that this perpetual blessing will remain in the linage of our ancestry. Each offspring becomes a person who blesses their generation. As one understands generational wealth, one must comprehend the need for generational blessings. Often time, we confuse material wealth with blessings, but a blessing is more spiritual than natural. For instance, concrete objects are only temporal like money, but a blessing has the collateral effect of that object. When the object becomes old and useless, will you still see that object as a blessing or as a liability? If the blessing loses its value, then the object was never a blessing only a misconception of a blessing.

A blessing is perpetual without any limitation. A blessing has both collateral and an ancillary effect on an individual. A blessing is passed from generation to generation leading to multiplying opportunities with favorable advancement for the blessed individual. So the next time you are around your offspring, think about the lesser is blessed by the better then you become the one giving the blessing.


Prayer of Healing


Stewardship in Babylon