An Unexpected Discovery

Serendipity becomes a reality when we allow divine intervention. What is serendipity? It is finding a phenomenon without looking for it—what a fabulous term for the season of celebrating the birth of Jesus. Even though the timing of Jesus’ birth confers a divine intervention for humanity, our discovery thereof invites pure serendipity. The Apostle John defines Jesus’ entrance into the human world from a creative perspective. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…In him was life and the life was the light of men. (John 1:1,4)

The existence of humanity is entirely dependent on forces outside of its control. Therefore, God became a Godman for the sole purpose of redemption. Often, we believe that we need no outside assistance to manage what life gives. Yet, we find ourselves regressing amid obstacles instead of progressing. Life then seems pointless and dark.

Frequently, you hear individuals repeat the phrase that actions speak louder than words. I agree. Yet, God sees us more profoundly than the actions we represent. For God, we must live in the light. In other words, righteousness starts with what's in our hearts and grows from there. When we purify our hearts, we can live meaningful lives as children of the light, resulting in pure serendipity while discovering the real reason for Jesus' birth.

So, I challenge you to revisit the reason for celebrating Christmas, and you will discover something unexpected, serendipity.

Believers live in the light.


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