Why I won’t get vaccinated!
11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:11-12)
I decided to revisit a blog on this pandemic since it has lingered since March 2020. Then, I started wondering why people refuse to get the vaccine since our government officially authorized three different vaccines to protect the public. Why do we believe certain things, even when we have rational and substantial evidence opposing this belief? Often, we tend to deny reality, or we fail to credit something truthful to avoid consequences. For example, parents fail to acknowledge that their child is doing drugs even when they see the signs of drug use. The famous line in a Few Good Men by COL Nathan Jessep (Jack Nicholas) reminds us that you can't handle the truth. Unfortunately, this statement creates leverage that some individuals entertain lies instead of scientific facts to justify one thought process. For instance, I recently heard a family member making a senseless statement from her logical conclusion that we are all Guinea pigs with this vaccine. Yet, the truthfulness about the COVID-19 vaccine is that it teaches our immune systems how to recognize and fight the virus that causes COVID-19. Consequently, vaccines work by stimulating your immune system to produce antibodies as a defense mechanism when you become exposed. So the vaccine does nothing less than boost our system individually.
Since the COVID-19 is constantly changing with new variants, a higher percentage of vaccinated persons will reduce the spread of the virus while preventing different variants from emerging. Conversely, the less participation, the more prevalent the virus will attack the public. Collectively, we should give our immune system a chance to defend against this coronavirus. Because of our sinful nature, we logically ignore truthfulness. Instead, we tend to adhere with others who proclaim illogical myths such as the vaccine include a microchip to track your location by the government. Remember, the Scriptures remind us that For this cause, God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie. In other words, lies gather momentum while creating an illusion of false security. Lies replicate many different versions but serve the same deceptive purpose. Just think about all the rhetoric that unvaccinated persons give to justify their refusal to join the collective on stopping the spread of COVID-19.
1) The vaccine is designed to kill one particular race. 2) I am waiting on the data. 3) I am waiting to see the effect on others. 4) I may evolve into a monkey. 5) It is a man-made virus to reduce the population. 6) The vaccine won't prevent you from catching the virus. 7) I have had COVID, so I am immune. 8) Finally, I am waiting on God to direct me.
Such lies reinforce the disunity in our society, allowing our inability to defeat a common unseen enemy - COVID 19. Suppose the enemy was visible, and the preventive measure consisted of every adult carrying a visible firearm. Will the level of acceptance increase among the public? Or will our society become a wild, lawless environment allowing the protected ones to attack the vulnerable ones? Human nature encourages us to lie, and they multiply these lies by fighting back, hating back, denying, and defying. However, our Godly character enables us to regain dominion over our sins and become fruitful life-giver. Whether in death or destruction, we must claim life through faithfulness. Remember, the purpose of Joseph's venture into Egypt is summed in Genesis 50:20: "But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive." So stand and become a present-day Joseph and believe that your purpose in receiving the vaccine is to save lives instead of reducing lives by remaining unvaccinated.
Get the Vaccine
So stand and become a present-day Joseph and believe that your purpose in receiving the vaccine is to save lives.