Why Worship in the 21st Century
Reading the Scriptures allowed me to notice that worship is an integral part of the Bible. The act of worship involves displaying reverence for God. While some people may view worship as a ritual, worship means more, so please ponder this question as you read this blog. If the Temple worshipers in the Old Testament never offered a sacrifice, what benefits could they have received?
The post-pandemic era seems to have more people seeking aid to restore mental health than ever. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mental health conditions are increasing worldwide. Experts consider two factors causing such a surge the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the increased use of social media. This surge in mental health deficiencies is creating various platforms of advocacy, from using digital portals to phoning a counselor. Yet, the demands fuel an uncontrollable crisis spilling into public crime scenes. However, I think a simple worship solution will resolve such mental health deficiencies for the following reasons.
Worship involves 100% of your mental capacity while allowing you to connect spiritually and mentally with your Creator. Worship strengthens your relationship with God and creates a sense of purpose in life. This connection makes you more grounded, leading to greater well-being. Why? Worship provides comfort during difficult times. For instance, many people turn to their faith to find solace when they experience such times. Therefore, worship provides peace while dealing with COVID-19 and social media trends.
Worship can also build a sense of community. Many individuals connect with others of like-mindedness and build relationships. This sense of community creates value when one experiences mental crises. Furthermore, studies demonstrate that individuals who attend worship services regularly have a lower risk of depression, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. Also, similar research suggests that regular worship may increase your lifespan.
As you reflect on the original question about the benefits of temple worshipers in the OT, consider the modern-day churches. In churches, what benefits can one receive if worship services become sparingly attended? In other words, if you barely worship your Creator, how will you substitute this relationship? Unlike the people in the OT, allow worship to become integral to your life and discover the benefits only God can bestow. Restore your daily worship; if you experience any mental health deficiencies, it will become a thing of the past.
Engaging in worship strengthens your relationship with God and, simultaneously, creating a sense of purpose in life.