God’s Call for Justice

A King Acts on

a Widow Behalf

Lesson Text: 2 Kings 8:1-6

#SundaySchool #COGIC #AKingActOnAWidowBehalf

The nature of God does not depend on luck or chance. It is clear from this lesson about the Shumnammite Woman that He is a God of providence.

Thought to Remember: Ultimately, it is God’s providence that matters!

Lesson learned: The encounter between the King and Shumnammite Woman assures us that God’s providence works ongoingly. We must remember Revelation 12: 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. If my plans do not unfold as I anticipate, I must learn to avoid anxiety, but rather look for God's providence to intervene despite my feelings.

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father, thank You that You are so concerned that we receive justice. Enable us to see your providence with our spiritual eyes as we continue to obey your plan for our lives. Also, Help us to seek justice on behalf of others, so we can serve as Your beacon of hope. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Click here to read the blog - GOD’s Providence

Solomon Judges with

Wisdom and Justice

Lesson Text: I Kings 3:16-28, II Chronicles 9:8

#SundaySchool #COGIC


It is essential to recognize that wisdom goes beyond book knowledge. Wisdom involves knowing the right thing to do at the right time to reveal what is needed to bring justice. This lesson today illustrates the wisdom of young King Solomon similarly.

Thought to Remember: Making good decisions requires the use of Godly Wisdom.

Lesson learned: King Solomon requested God’s wisdom to rule Israel justly. Similarly, what type of wisdom do we require to live a just life in the present. In James 3: 13-17, the writer simplifies that earthly wisdom leads to conflict, whereas wisdom from above brings peace. Wisdom is the word for navigating life, which entails knowledge and understanding. By handling the custody case of two prostitutes, King Solomon demonstrated that every human deserves to be treated fairly and with justice. Therefore, James 1:5 reminds me that if I lack wisdom, I should ask God to give it, and He will do so.

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father, apart from You, I can do nothing. I pray to have an undivided heart that I may know Your ways so that the Holy Spirit can lead me. Help me to seek Your counsel in every area of my life. I pray to yield to Your will, and as a result, people will talk about Your greatness through me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Check out the blog by clicking - Wisdom from a Prostitute.

David Embodies

God’s Justice

Lesson Text: II Samuel 23:1-7, I Chronicles 18:14

#SundaySchool #COGIC #DavidEmbodiesGodJustice

Before his death, David spoke prophetically about God's covenant and warned leaders against ruling unjustly. Having a relationship with God, the source of justice, enabled David to administer justice and righteousness to his people.

Thought to remember: God is faithful to His covenant even when we are not.

Lesson learned: Is David the ideal king, like the sunlight coming up, the new growth after the rain? Negative, yet, Scripture makes sure that we see David's weaknesses as well as his strengths. Despite this, David loved God and repented when he erred. In the same way, God loved David and made a covenant with him. Due to the Davidic Covenant, God kept His promise to send His Son through David's lineage. I am also aware of my imperfection, which does not diminish my love for God. My relationship with God must always be in the forefront of my mind, as it was for David.

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father in heaven, I want to leave a lasting legacy as one who lived life for Your glory. I pray for Your wisdom and to know Your will so I can make good decisions. I also pray for leaders in every realm and level to know You so they can execute justice, make good decisions, and lead with compassion. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Click for the blog for this lesson -My Last Words

Samuel Administers Justice

Lesson Text: I Samuel 7:3-11, 15-17

#SundaySchool #COGIC #SamuelAdministersJustice

 Despite our best efforts, we cannot defeat this enemy without God's assistance. However, we continue to battle under our own power. Israel realized their ability to defeat the Philistines was void without God’s help. In this lesson, we will gain insight into how to win a battle with the help of God.

Thought to remember: God hears the prayers of the righteous. 

Lesson learned: When the Israelites removed the sin, they defeated the Philistines. It is important to keep in mind that sin is an obstacle to inward peace. A confession of faith must include a confession of the heart. Peace is derived from the heart as intended by God.

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father assist me in becoming steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. With fervent and strategic prayers for others, I petition you. That my community and state will stop the pursuit of idols and return to you. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. 

Check out this week blog by clicking:

My Mizpah’s Experience

The Heart of the Law

Lesson Text: Deuteronomy 10;12-22; 16:18-20

#SundaySchool #COGIC #TheHeartOfTheLaw

The Book of Deuteronomy is a restatement of the Law. Here God clarifies His desires for His people through Moses. He wants to bless them, but He wants their love and obedience. If they lived like others in the region of serving multiple gods, they would forfeit God’s blessing and His plan for them. Like the Israelites, God chose us, but He owns everything. Such a sobering reality to know that God does not need us, but we need Him.  

Thought to remember: God’s love is unconditional, and He is always just. 

Lesson learned: God calls us to love one another as He does. Therefore, I should extend my love to those outside my immediate family, such as the fatherless, widows, and foreigners. Because love makes the world a better place, I should allow others to see the love of God through me. 

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father, I pray to live my life as You require of me according to Micah 6:8, “to act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.” May I remain close to You and honor Your presence in my life by walking in Your ways. I ask for Your forgiveness for not exemplifying your love and mercy to others in the past. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Click here for the blog to this lesson - Heart of the Law.

Celebrate Jubilee

Lesson Text: Leviticus 25:8-12,25,35-36,39-40,47-48,55

#SundaySchool #COGIC #CelebrateJubilee

A Jubilee year occurs every 50 years on the Jewish calendar. In essence, it signified when all real property reverted to its original owner and those who had sold themselves due to debt collections were able to regain their freedom. Jubilee Years were sabbatical years during which the land was free from sowing, reaping, and pruning. Land and people were dedicated to resting and depending upon God for all of their needs.

Thought to remember: The Jubilee marks a new beginning. 

Lesson learned: Having been delivered by God, Israel belongs to God alone, and its loyalty belongs to only God. Furthermore, I am indebted to God for freeing me from the slavery of sin as a believer. I celebrated my day of Jubilee simultaneously with my belief in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, freeing me from sin and death. This means that I need to live like a child of God.

My Prayer: Dear LORD, thank You for all that You have provided for us on this earth. Help us always remember that we are just stewards and should always be willing to share with those less fortunate. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

Check out the blog on this week lesson by clicking the link below:

Celebrate Jubilee

Living as God’s

Just People

Lesson Text: Leviticus 19:9-18, 33-37

#SundaySchool #COGIC #LivingAsGodJustPeople

As we continue to study this lesson, we will see that God gives Moses the following directives:

1) How to live and treat those we will encounter,

2) How to treat the poor,

3) How to engage and treat strangers, and

4) How to conduct business and practice on an ethical level.

Thought to remember: Love your neighbors as yourselves.

Lesson learned: As a believer, I challenge myself to serve my neighbors as an act of love. Having a holy relationship with God the Father requires me to demonstrate this holiness not only in my personal life but also toward my neighbors and even strangers. Jesus is that example as noted in Romans 5:10: For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

My Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your salvation. Help me to practice Your call to holy living each day on Earth. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen!

Check out the blog on this Sunday School lesson by clicking the link below.

Who should I Love?

Rules for Just Living

Lesson Text: Exodus 23:1-9

#SundaySchool #COGIC #RulesForJustLiving

The penalty for perjury is jail time. It is very dangerous to falsely accuse someone. In the case of false reports and rumors that we spread about others, God will hold us responsible. As a result, this lesson provides an explanation of where social justice comes from.

Thought to remember: Just individuals seek justice for all.

Lesson learned: Since I am a believer, I challenge myself to correct any injustice in my life by acting justly even when there is a compelling reason or temptation to act otherwise. Such a challenge will incorporate I Peter 2:9, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

My Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we understand your requirement for justice. So, help us to practice justice toward others. Help us to treat them as we wish to be treated. Help us to follow your guidance by showing mercy and love in all that we do. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen!

Check out my blog on Fake News that I link to this lesson by clicking below: https://www.beyondtheotherside.me/blog/fake-news

Praise for God’s Justice

Lesson Text: Psalms 146:1-10

#SundaySchool #COGIC


 This lesson reminds us that God is the sovereign ruler of His creation. As a sovereign God, He is Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, and His Holiness is demanding. It is for these reasons that God deserves the praise of His creation.  

Thought to Remember: When others fail us, God is always there to help.   

Lessons learned: God reverses society's pecking order by blessing those who society deems insignificant. Thus, the psalmist praises God for His righteous judgment and affirms his trust in Him. Since I too dwell in the presence of an all-knowing, ever-present, all-power God, I too must learn the value of unconditional praise by saying Hallelujah which is translated as Praise ye the Lord regardless of my situation.

 My Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You! We thank You that You care for us when we are down. In fact, You care for all people. So, help us to demonstrate Your love to others. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Check out the blog for this lesson entitled Unconditional Praise

God’s Call for Justice

A King Acts on

a Widow Behalf

Lesson Text: 2 Kings 8:1-6

#SundaySchool #COGIC #AKingActOnAWidowBehalf

The nature of God does not depend on luck or chance. It is clear from this lesson about the Shumnammite Woman that He is a God of providence.

Thought to Remember: Ultimately, it is God’s providence that matters!

Lesson learned: The encounter between the King and Shumnammite Woman assures us that God’s providence works ongoingly. We must remember Revelation 12: 11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death. If my plans do not unfold as I anticipate, I must learn to avoid anxiety, but rather look for God's providence to intervene despite my feelings.

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father, thank You that You are so concerned that we receive justice. Enable us to see your providence with our spiritual eyes as we continue to obey your plan for our lives. Also, Help us to seek justice on behalf of others, so we can serve as Your beacon of hope. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Click here to read the blog - GOD’s Providence

Solomon Judges with

Wisdom and Justice

Lesson Text: I Kings 3:16-28, II Chronicles 9:8

#SundaySchool #COGIC


It is essential to recognize that wisdom goes beyond book knowledge. Wisdom involves knowing the right thing to do at the right time to reveal what is needed to bring justice. This lesson today illustrates the wisdom of young King Solomon similarly.

Thought to Remember: Making good decisions requires the use of Godly Wisdom.

Lesson learned: King Solomon requested God’s wisdom to rule Israel justly. Similarly, what type of wisdom do we require to live a just life in the present. In James 3: 13-17, the writer simplifies that earthly wisdom leads to conflict, whereas wisdom from above brings peace. Wisdom is the word for navigating life, which entails knowledge and understanding. By handling the custody case of two prostitutes, King Solomon demonstrated that every human deserves to be treated fairly and with justice. Therefore, James 1:5 reminds me that if I lack wisdom, I should ask God to give it, and He will do so.

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father, apart from You, I can do nothing. I pray to have an undivided heart that I may know Your ways so that the Holy Spirit can lead me. Help me to seek Your counsel in every area of my life. I pray to yield to Your will, and as a result, people will talk about Your greatness through me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Check out the blog by clicking - Wisdom from a Prostitute.

David Embodies

God’s Justice

Lesson Text: II Samuel 23:1-7, I Chronicles 18:14

#SundaySchool #COGIC #DavidEmbodiesGodJustice

Before his death, David spoke prophetically about God's covenant and warned leaders against ruling unjustly. Having a relationship with God, the source of justice, enabled David to administer justice and righteousness to his people.

Thought to remember: God is faithful to His covenant even when we are not.

Lesson learned: Is David the ideal king, like the sunlight coming up, the new growth after the rain? Negative, yet, Scripture makes sure that we see David's weaknesses as well as his strengths. Despite this, David loved God and repented when he erred. In the same way, God loved David and made a covenant with him. Due to the Davidic Covenant, God kept His promise to send His Son through David's lineage. I am also aware of my imperfection, which does not diminish my love for God. My relationship with God must always be in the forefront of my mind, as it was for David.

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father in heaven, I want to leave a lasting legacy as one who lived life for Your glory. I pray for Your wisdom and to know Your will so I can make good decisions. I also pray for leaders in every realm and level to know You so they can execute justice, make good decisions, and lead with compassion. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Click for the blog for this lesson -My Last Words

Samuel Administers Justice

Lesson Text: I Samuel 7:3-11, 15-17

#SundaySchool #COGIC #SamuelAdministersJustice

 Despite our best efforts, we cannot defeat this enemy without God's assistance. However, we continue to battle under our own power. Israel realized their ability to defeat the Philistines was void without God’s help. In this lesson, we will gain insight into how to win a battle with the help of God.

Thought to remember: God hears the prayers of the righteous. 

Lesson learned: When the Israelites removed the sin, they defeated the Philistines. It is important to keep in mind that sin is an obstacle to inward peace. A confession of faith must include a confession of the heart. Peace is derived from the heart as intended by God.

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father assist me in becoming steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. With fervent and strategic prayers for others, I petition you. That my community and state will stop the pursuit of idols and return to you. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen. 

Check out this week blog by clicking:

My Mizpah’s Experience

The Heart of the Law

Lesson Text: Deuteronomy 10;12-22; 16:18-20

#SundaySchool #COGIC #TheHeartOfTheLaw

The Book of Deuteronomy is a restatement of the Law. Here God clarifies His desires for His people through Moses. He wants to bless them, but He wants their love and obedience. If they lived like others in the region of serving multiple gods, they would forfeit God’s blessing and His plan for them. Like the Israelites, God chose us, but He owns everything. Such a sobering reality to know that God does not need us, but we need Him.  

Thought to remember: God’s love is unconditional, and He is always just. 

Lesson learned: God calls us to love one another as He does. Therefore, I should extend my love to those outside my immediate family, such as the fatherless, widows, and foreigners. Because love makes the world a better place, I should allow others to see the love of God through me. 

My Prayer: Dearest Heavenly Father, I pray to live my life as You require of me according to Micah 6:8, “to act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with my God.” May I remain close to You and honor Your presence in my life by walking in Your ways. I ask for Your forgiveness for not exemplifying your love and mercy to others in the past. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Click here for the blog to this lesson - Heart of the Law.

Celebrate Jubilee

Lesson Text: Leviticus 25:8-12,25,35-36,39-40,47-48,55

#SundaySchool #COGIC #CelebrateJubilee

A Jubilee year occurs every 50 years on the Jewish calendar. In essence, it signified when all real property reverted to its original owner and those who had sold themselves due to debt collections were able to regain their freedom. Jubilee Years were sabbatical years during which the land was free from sowing, reaping, and pruning. Land and people were dedicated to resting and depending upon God for all of their needs.

Thought to remember: The Jubilee marks a new beginning. 

Lesson learned: Having been delivered by God, Israel belongs to God alone, and its loyalty belongs to only God. Furthermore, I am indebted to God for freeing me from the slavery of sin as a believer. I celebrated my day of Jubilee simultaneously with my belief in Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, freeing me from sin and death. This means that I need to live like a child of God.

My Prayer: Dear LORD, thank You for all that You have provided for us on this earth. Help us always remember that we are just stewards and should always be willing to share with those less fortunate. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

Check out the blog on this week lesson by clicking the link below:

Celebrate Jubilee

Living as God’s

Just People

Lesson Text: Leviticus 19:9-18, 33-37

#SundaySchool #COGIC #LivingAsGodJustPeople

As we continue to study this lesson, we will see that God gives Moses the following directives:

1) How to live and treat those we will encounter,

2) How to treat the poor,

3) How to engage and treat strangers, and

4) How to conduct business and practice on an ethical level.

Thought to remember: Love your neighbors as yourselves.

Lesson learned: As a believer, I challenge myself to serve my neighbors as an act of love. Having a holy relationship with God the Father requires me to demonstrate this holiness not only in my personal life but also toward my neighbors and even strangers. Jesus is that example as noted in Romans 5:10: For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

My Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your salvation. Help me to practice Your call to holy living each day on Earth. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen!

Check out the blog on this Sunday School lesson by clicking the link below.

Who should I Love?

Rules for Just Living

Lesson Text: Exodus 23:1-9

#SundaySchool #COGIC #RulesForJustLiving

The penalty for perjury is jail time. It is very dangerous to falsely accuse someone. In the case of false reports and rumors that we spread about others, God will hold us responsible. As a result, this lesson provides an explanation of where social justice comes from.

Thought to remember: Just individuals seek justice for all.

Lesson learned: Since I am a believer, I challenge myself to correct any injustice in my life by acting justly even when there is a compelling reason or temptation to act otherwise. Such a challenge will incorporate I Peter 2:9, But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

My Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we understand your requirement for justice. So, help us to practice justice toward others. Help us to treat them as we wish to be treated. Help us to follow your guidance by showing mercy and love in all that we do. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen!

Check out my blog on Fake News that I link to this lesson by clicking below: https://www.beyondtheotherside.me/blog/fake-news