Tribute for the Family of Edward Lockhart

In the Hands of God

No matter what life brings, know that you are in the hands of God.

His hands are strong, powerful, loving, and mighty.

His hands give protection and provision.

His hands are gentle, loving, and caring.

Those same hands….

 Laid the earth’s foundations,

 turned water into wine,

and healed the blind, sick, and raised from the dead.

Those same hands prayed on the mount Gethsemane for the cup of sorrow to be moved.

His hands gripped the cross as he carried it on the way to Golgotha.

Those same hands were stretched and nailed to the cross.

Those same hands which exert such power are also extended to you in a gesture of peace, love, mercy, and grace.

You can trust God’s hands, in which he will manifest his marvelous work in you according to the power of faith in you. 

In the hands of God carries NO FEAR because He is the creator of humanity and the universe.

His hands will help in times of difficulties.

 His hands will guide you through every challenging situation and direct you on the right path.

The hand of God was on you through your moments of being uncertain

In the moments of receiving test results and getting clarity from doctors.

In the moments of feeding, caring, and observing his care from the nurses.

In the moments of making decisions.

In the moments of keeping the family informed- Drew called in several times a day to check on your well-being- Eric’s Wednesday evening chats with his dad to hear his voice, and Susie, our interpreter, encourager, and reporter who was always on top of the medical aspect to get updates from the doctors.

In the moments when The Wells family took care of your well-being with transportation and delicious meals.

And more so, kissing him on the forehead and saying I love you, sweetheart.

In the moments of his frail body, he would say, “I love you too.”

His hands were visible in the seen and unseen.

Even when it did not seem like he was working,

He never stopped working.

Even if you did not understand the moving hand of God,

You yet trust Him.

Yes, God’s hands rested peacefully on you.

Never cease to cast your cares in his hands; he will put peace in your heart.

Don’t be afraid, dismayed, or discouraged.

God’s hands will strengthen you, help you, and uphold you with His righteous hands each day.

You may be in good hands with Allstate,

But in the hands of God, you are guaranteed all the promises with a Yes and Amen.

You are in GREAT hands with God!

by Debra Baker


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