My Mizpah’s Experience

And Samuel said, Gather all Israel to Mizpah, and I will pray for you unto the LORD.

1 Samuel 7:5

It is my opinion that every believer should visit a Mizpah to achieve spiritual growth. I had my Mizpah's experience years ago in a small and cozy community called Bellwood. Prior to this experience, I had never heard of or even visited this community. I went there to attend a week-long youth event as a delegate from my church. Having only one sibling, I could never imagine living with a family of 15 siblings. Yet, this family of 15 with whom I stayed for a week demonstrated such a profound love for each other that it deeply affected me. Friendships with like-minded kids create a bond that lasts through adulthood. Even now when I see one of them, I referenced each as my sister or my brother. As I ponder on the different events that week, all climaxed with my decision to commit totally to God.

In 1 Samuel 7, the Ark of the Covenant failed to spark a total commitment, but God allowed 20 years of gradual growth and longing for His intervention.

From the time that the Ark came to rest in Kiriath Jearim, a long time passed - twenty years it was- and throughout Israel, there was a widespread, fearful movement toward God.

1 Samuel 7:2 MSG

For the Israelites to achieve relief from the Philistines, they must commit themselves to God. As a result, Samuel called all the tribes of Israel to Mizpah to pray and dedicate themselves. Mizpah means look-out or watchtower in Hebrew. Mizpah was in the mountainous area north of Jerusalem. I am not sure why Samuel picked this location. Possibly he thought the Philistines would attack and wanted the people in a strategic position. Since the people had to climb a rugged mountain to get there, it was slightly challenging to assemble in Mizpah. However, here they fasted and confessed their sins, and God accepted this national repentance by allowing victory against their enemy, the Philistines. Note the concurrent events at Mizpah. Samuel prayed and offered a burnt offering to God as the Philistines prepared to attack. However, God prevented the assault with a bolt of lightning and a tremendous sound of thunder allowing the Israelites to gain the advantage leading to victory.

And as Samuel was offering up the burnt offering, the Philistines drew near to battle against Israel: but the Lord thundered with a great thunder on that day upon the Philistines and discomfited them, and they were smitten before Israel.

I Samuel 7:10

Likewise, my Mizpah’s experience in Bellwood was mind-blowing because my life changed significantly after that. On the eve of the closing prayer that Friday night on June 10 from the week-long event, I felt heaven had opened a direct line to God for me. Without a doubt, I was predestined for the heavenly kingdom. This feeling was unnatural and unforgettable. Paul recorded a similar experience by stating, “whether, in the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of the body, I cannot tell; God knoweth.” (2 Corinthians 12:2) Whenever I confessed mentally that I will never return to a sinful life if God fills me with the Holy Spirit, simultaneously, I realize God's intervention like a bolt of lightning filling my soul. A tremendous joy soaked my heart and soul like a heavy rain drenching my clothes. A massive amount of joy overflowed within me. As I opened my eyes, I saw things in a completely new way. The blessings I received were also for others. The audience as well witnessed this same phenomenon since it was contagious. I recall the one-hour drive that I took returning home from the week-long event, and I continued to praise and give thanks inwardly, hoping that this overwhelming feeling would continue. After my Mizpah's experience, the Bible came vividly to life when I read it. My memory of Mizpah is etched into my mind each time I visit Bellwood as a reminder of this unforgettable experience leading to a life of dependence on God. Have you experienced a Mizpah? If so, when and where did it occur?

Whenever I confessed mentally that I will never return to a sinful life if God fills me with the Holy Spirit, simultaneously, I realize God's intervention like a bolt of lightning filling my soul.

by Mickey Baker


My Last Words


Tribute for the Family of Edward Lockhart