Christmas Reminder

The term “gift” is synonymous with the Christmas spirit. We as believers equate that the ultimate gift of all is when God gave His only Son to redeem a sinful human race. This gift consists of a sinless sacrifice for God to approve as His redemption plan. Essentially, a perfect man was the only option to remedy sinful humans to their rightful place in the Kingdom of God. Now annually, during each holiday season, we remember the Godchild’s birth. This birth alone unfolded the redemption plan that culminated in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, when believers place trust in Jesus as their Savior and Redeemer, they regain acceptance into the family of God leading to the Kingdom.

Like any family in America, which shares the giving of gifts among themselves, the Heavenly Father enables gift sharing within the family of God. Such gift sharing starts when the Holy Spirit enlightens you with housewarming spiritual gifts of sorts. Hence, a spiritual gift provides a particular purpose for Kingdom’s work, as noted in I Corinthians 12:7, But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all. In other words, God prepackaged each human with unique strengths and abilities. When you return to God's family, the Holy Spirit requisitions your unique ability with an enhancement of a spiritual gift for the sole purpose of expanding God's Kingdom. According to His plan, the Holy Spirit may add other gifts, but no one is gift-deprived as a believer. For example, my wife has the unique ability to go into the kitchen and prepare a meal from scratch. Although I see nothing but isolated can goods, frozen vegetables and meats, uncooked packaged noodles, and other perishable items, my wife sees the same items as ingredients for delicious balanced meals. My wife will concoct a casserole from yesterday’s leftovers and mushroom soup for all to enjoy within minutes. Likewise, your unique gift will orchestrate as a tool for the Kingdom. Remember, when you exercise your unique gift, it will bring overwhelming joy to the Kingdom of God.

As you ponder over your God-given gift this holiday season, think about your uniqueness with the value that you bring to God’s Kingdom. As you engage your gift it will multiply within your territory while glorifying God the Father.

Enjoy the Holidays.

Your unique gift brings value to the Kingdom.

Your unique gift brings value to the Kingdom.


The Final Touch


Tohu wa bohu