The Final Touch
And we have confidence in the Lord concerning you, both that you do and will do the things we command you.
II Thessalonians 3:4 NKJV
I believe that our Heavenly Father gives us a lifetime to get it right.
Often our lives become so convoluted with personal and external drives that we often forget the true essence of living. As a college counselor, I have frequently observed extrinsic motivation to direct students into a specific program, especially if they have no preference toward their field of study. For instance, graduates of our welding program will send their earned paycheck stud back to their welding instructor to share as a motivational tool with their peers. These profitable pay studs will encourage others to pursue the same work so they too can earn this pay. Such an action leans toward extrinsic motivation as a reward for undecided youth in a chosen career field of study.
Although the need for money seems like a realistic and logical rationale for individuals to solidify their decisions, we cannot rely totally on extrinsic motivation? For this reason, is why the Apostle Paul writes to the believers in Thessalonica that he is confident that they will do the right thing in life. Paul wants them to make decisions according to their divine purpose instead of their drives for external rewards or material possessions. Paul even states that the Lord is faithful in ensuring your protection so you can make the right decision by saying, “And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.” (II Thess 3:5) If you analyze this statement closer, you will notice that Paul states that the Lord will direct your hearts. The heart is an intrinsic desire that allows you to manage the peace in your life. For example, an individual desiring to become a wealthy business person will pursue this passion with every fiber of his being. When he obtains this goal, he will find this accomplishment unsatisfying in his heart if it lacks the Lord’s direction. Then, this business person will continue his pursuit of more monetary value, again and again.
How often do we find multimillionaire challenging others to give away their wealth instead of accumulating more wealth? Even Warren Buffet (a multimillionaire) quoted the following in 2006 in a philanthropic pledge.
“I made a commitment to gradually give all of my Berkshire Hathaway stock to philanthropic foundations. I couldn’t be happier with that decision.” (
In this pledge, Warren Buffet reacts to his heart of giving instead of acquiring extrinsic impulses. Another example of giving is Jrue Holiday who decided in giving the rest of his 2020 salary to Black and Brown owned businesses and nonprofit initiatives equating to $5.3 million. Jrue Holiday is a NBA players for the Milwaukee Bucks, and his wife Lauren is a former U.S. women’s soccer star. “In an Instagram post, Holiday cited that the COVID-19 pandemic and racial injustices as the driving force behind the couple decision.” (USA Today) As a NBA player, he earns $26 million per year. Likewise, as believers respond with a heart of love, the right decision will uncover the endurance based on What Would Jesus Do (WWJD). Believers will ultimately realize that living unbeknownst to the will of God leads to a life of misery. Yet, the realization that living on Earth in the presence of God’s love is the same as the Kingdom of Heaven. The gospel of Matthew states the term the Kingdom of Heaven 25 times in his writings.
“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.” (Matthew 13:44 NKJV)
In other words, once the realization of obtaining the Kingdom of Heaven while on Earth becomes known, believers will make this their priority instead of extrinsic accomplishments. For some believers, such a challenge will take a lifetime. I say a lifetime because we as believers must uncover this love formula to make the right decision. Yet, when believers understand how to get it right, they will allow the intrinsic progression to start with God’s love and end with Christ’s patience. Then, we can efficiently process the right decision at the right time as that final touch for His perfect timing in our lives while multiplying the Father’s glory.
Create your Final Touch
In year of 2021