Complementary Humans

God created humans as complementary beings with an independent nature. As humans, we learn from each other by looking and listening while information passes without knowing it. Each human begins to gather data unbeknownst about other humans for later processing. Such processed data enables a connection for the sole reason to complete the growth needed to become genuinely independent. I am using the term independent for completion; since Scripture defines completion as perfection, as noted in Matthew 5:48….be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect. I believe independence is the process of achieving spiritual completion. This process enables us to return in harmony with God, characterized by accepting His pure love, which we can only achieve by complementarity.

In mathematics, complementary angles are pair angles with the sum of 90 degrees. In economics, a complementary good is a product whose appeal increases with the popularity of its complement. A product links its demand with another product while the original product increases its value—for instance, your cell phone links with a data plan to operate effectively. A cell phone is no good unless you have data to use it. Even in physics, complementarity is a conceptual aspect of quantum mechanics that you cannot observe and measure an object of complementary properties simultaneously. If you measure the momentum of a moving object and then measure the position, the original measurement of momentum is no longer accurate. In genetics, complementary genes are the genes present on different genetic tracks but interact with each other to express a single character. Two genes produce a trait that belongs to that individual only. Think about your fingerprint.

Remember, God created man and woman as complementary beings with an independent nature. I believe that a man and a woman will intensify their independence or completion when they become one. For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? Matthew 19:5

Yet, the man's and woman's chemical configuration is continuingly causing a gravitation pull to each other that is so natural that we often overlook it. Scriptures remind us of the need for complementary instead of competitiveness between the man and woman, as demonstrated by King Solomon and the Shulamite.

12 While the king is at his table, My spikenard sends forth its fragrance.

13 A bundle of myrrh is my beloved to me, That lies all night between my breasts.

Song of Solomon 1:12-13

These verses demonstrate a complementary element between the man and woman that we often overlook which is the sense of smell. Scientists have determined that our bodies can transmit signals through subtle scents. For instance, a woman can pick up a man's scent, and likewise, a man becomes attracted to a woman's scent. The study suggests that the human body produces chemical signals called pheromones. The effect of pheromones enables us to process the necessary data to become independent or complete in our relationships. The two smells that resonate from these verses are spikenard and myrrh, which are two distinguish fragrances. I believe John 12: 1-8 paints the same love picture as demonstrated in the Song of Solomon.

Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had been dead, whom He had raised from the dead. There they made Him a supper; and Martha served, but Lazarus was one of those who sat at the table with Him. Then Mary took a pound of very costly oil of spikenard, anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil. John 12:1-3 NKJV

Spikenard is an essential oil to use for meditation, prayer, and other applications like joint pain, migraine, infection. The value of this spikenard cost more than 300 denarii. Since a denarius was the wage for a day's labor, the value of Mary's perfume was a year's wages. Comparing the median yearly income of today, one can easily say that Mary poured $15,000 worth of perfume on Jesus. Whether Mary bought this perfume for the sole purpose of anointing Jesus or if she had it in her possession for some other use, she poured it on her Lord to demonstrate her love for him. Her sacrifice of this expensive oil shows complementary actions toward Jesus because he stated, "Leave her alone…It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. (John 1:7) Also, in Mark 15:23, myrrh was mixed in a drink given to Him while on the cross but He refused.

In the Song of Solomon, the Shulamite woman shares her vision of the future with the King. Please pay attention to the expressed enjoyment, which reflects the same enjoyment that led Mary to use her spikenard.

12 As the king surrounded me at his table, the sweet fragrance of spikenard awakened the night.

13 A sachet of myrrh is my lover, like a tied-up bundle of myrrh resting over my heart.

Subsequently, a heavenly marriage reflects God's glory as a rainbow beautifies the skies. A rainbow is a complementarity of the sunlight. As the sunlight enters a water droplet, the sunlight reflects off the inside of the droplet, separating into colors. When sunlight exits the droplet, it makes a rainbow. These independent rays shine so magnificently in the sky that it catches everyone's attention. To see a glimpse of the rainbow makes you want to stop and snap a picture as a memorial of that moment. Likewise, when believers dress in our heavenly garment as a bride adorned for her bridegroom, I believe the heavenly host will stop to capture a glimpse of the glory of God radiating His presence in these believers. You will see the glory and smell the scent of spikenard and myrrh by remembering the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord that enable this reunion.

After this, I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands. (Revelation 7:9)

Remember, we are complementary humans for the sole purpose of God's glory and honor to demonstrate His love. See you in heaven.

A marriage reflects God's glory as a rainbow beautifies the skies.

A marriage reflects God's glory as a rainbow beautifies the skies.


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