A Glorified Body

And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence. (Luke 24:41-43 NIV)

My mother, cousin, and a close friend all have one thing in common: stroke survival. A stroke occurs when something blocks the flow of blood to one’s brain or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. Since the brain needs oxygen, and your arteries deliver oxygen-rich blood to all brain parts when a blockage occurs, the brain cells die within minutes, causing a stroke. Remember, the brain controls our movements, stores our memories, and is the source of our thoughts, emotions, and syntax. The brain enables us to communicate with the world around us. A crucifixion survival seems impossible because death occurs by two different means. First, the restraint of blood circulating in the body leads to organ failure, and then asphyxiation occurs as the body strains under its weight by trying to breathe from hanging on the Cross. Asphyxia is the failure of oxygen flow to the brain resulting in death.

Due to the low probability of surviving a crucifixion, the disciples require convincing evidence of Jesus' resurrection. Since Jesus was fully aware of needing more compelling evidence than the testimony of a few, He appeared to all in the upper room; simultaneously as Cleopas explained his encounter on the Road to Emmaus. In other words, the ones who were eye-witnessed to the crucifixion need physical evidence to believe.

The Scriptures above reveal something unique regarding the resurrected Jesus. Jesus possessed a glorified body instead of a spirit or ghost. Jesus’ body retained the scars on his hands and feet as well as the pierced wound on his side. He even stated, Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have. (Luke 24:39) To further his evidence of full bodily functions, Jesus partook of a meal by eating fish and a honeycomb similar to our chicken and waffle. This passage alone gives us a peek into the afterlife that we, too, will occupy glorified bodies that can exist simultaneously in two different realms – the earthy and heavenly realms.

Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. I John 3:2 KJV

Our glorified bodies are not tethered to this earth with all the problems associated with a fallen world, such as diseases, illnesses, sickness, viruses, strongholds, regrets, etc., for they are tethered to heaven, where Jesus resides. There, believers will have access to the fullness of God's power and authority and can walk in the freedom of being in the right relationship with Him. Even during the age of the new heaven and the new earth, believers will continue the abundant life promised by Jesus, free from the constraints and limitations of this world.

When I visit my mother, cousin, and friend, I see the effects of surviving a stroke. Then, I realized that Jesus left His heavenly home to become the sacrificial lamb for every believer to inhabit a glorified body free of any tethering residual of earthly limitation. Remember, believers will overcome death with glorified bodies connected to eternal life through Jesus. Thus, we should resist the temptation of disbelief and live knowing that when we accepted Jesus as our Savior, we became tethered to God's kingdom to inhabit glorified bodies.


The Power of Agreement


Opened Eyes