Infinitesimal Reality

For so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 2:11

One of the key ingredients to achieving success is a component named diligence. A common saying is that success is 80% hard work and 20% talent. Hard work requires diligence. So, what is diligence? In its simplest form, diligence is the quality of persistence. Diligence is about consistently putting in the effort. Diligence is the ability to stay on task and stay motivated. Diligence is all about having a clear goal and taking steps to achieve it.

I recently read that LeBron James has long said he wants to play alongside his son, Bronny James, before retiring from the NBA. The article’s writer used the term infinitesimal because Lebron is in his 20th year as an NBA player, which is longer than the average career of NBA players. Also, Bronny has yet to play in one college game. Therefore, infinitesimal seems the correct way of explaining Lebron’s goal. Infinitesimal measures a value close to but greater than zero. In other words, infinitesimal is not impracticable but very close to it. Yet, if you have kept up with LeBron James’ career, you will quickly note that he incorporates diligence in his routine and consistently overcomes the odds.

"My last year will be played with my son," LeBron told the outlet. "Wherever Bronny is at, that's where I'll be. I would do whatever it takes to play with my son for one year. It's not about the money at that point." Lebron James Wants to Play in the NBA with Son Bronny Before Retiring ( By Abigail Adams Published on February 20, 2022,

Because of diligence, the Apostle Peter states, Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: (2 Peter 1:10). Peter reminds the believers that to achieve success in the newfound faith, one must remain persistence in walking in the service for the Kingdom. We must consider our role as servants to the Lord and Savior Jesus in His Kingdom. We are nothing more or nothing less but servants to His Kingdom. Peter even states that faithful servants will enter the entrance of the everlasting kingdom abundantly and richly. Peter looked into the future for rewards based on diligence work in the present. Like Lebron, who stated that he wants to play in the NBA with his son, Bronny, while his son (17), such a dream may happen if Bronny blossoms as a college player at USC. What seems infinitesimal when stated may become a reality because of diligence.

As believers, we should strive toward similar goals as Lebron. We should take advantage of the opportunities given to us and use diligence to see what may seem infinitesimally become a reality. By setting our sights high and working diligently in our calling for the Kingdom, we can move forward and strive to make the seemingly impossible possible while giving all the glory to God.


Memorial Speech May 2023


Strong Delusion