Strong Delusion

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

II Thessalonica 2:11

With our high-tech culture and instant access to information, we find ourselves bombarded with fake information. Even right now, you may read a headline that can easily equate to Fake News. Remember, such news is a simple deception because it is false and misleading. Fake news deceives because it contains erroneous claims and fabricated stories disguised as the truth. Because it is fake, such information quickly spreads through digital and traditional media. Yet, the Apostle Paul forewarned the believers that God shall send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie rather than the truth. Therefore, what you see truthfully is a lie.

When we read a prophecy from the Bible, we may hesitate to accept it as truth because Fake News surrounds us. Yet, we must remember that the Bible is God’s Inspired Word. So, believers must use it to recognize Fake News and Fake Prophets. Remember that God will send THEM strong delusions. The term, THEM, relates to those lacking in believing God’s Inspired Word. Don’t become a THEM and fall under the persuasion of Fake News and Fake Prophets. Instead, seek to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you toward truth by studying the Bible and identifying Fake News and Fake Prophets.

Even the Savior reminds his followers that they will lack honesty in greater responsibilities if they cheat on little things. (Luke 16:10) How can you trust someone in crucial matters if they cannot express the truth about the small stuff? Yet, as believers, we can trust God’s Word consistently. You can know for a surety that God is working on believers' behalf instead of the Fake News producers whose agenda is only to increase revenues. Even as Fake Prophets appear and disappear, you can trust that God will faithfully fulfill His plans for all believers. Therefore, don’t become a THEM as God sends them strong delusion that they rather follow the false information as a deceptive mechanism while forgetting God’s truth altogether.


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