Supremacy of Christ

Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

Hebrews 10:23

I tend to think at times that my life is similar to a roller coaster ride with highs and lows. Sometimes I feel excited, and at times I feel depressed. It is common to overlook the necessary source to engage when these negative feelings persist, causing uneasiness. Relatively, I make the same mistake over and over of relying on different resources to address my difficulties. As a result, the writer of Hebrews explains the importance of one necessary source that will aid believers in escaping this roller coaster ride.

The writer penned Hebrews for Jewish believers to explain that the priesthood of Jesus has supremacy over the Levitical priesthood. The Levitical priesthood was merely a means of changing one's status temporarily rather than permanently. Their rituals of sin offering provided no permanent reconciliation between humans and God because animal sacrifices were temporary. For a permanent solution to occur, humans needed a perfect sacrifice, and Jesus’s life restored our relationship with God. Therefore, Jesus’ sacrifice reached the level of supremacy as the necessary source of restoration. Money, fame, a job, and even your bank account are all considered temporary resources in the same way as the Levitical rituals. In light of what Jesus accomplished, the writer reminded his reader that we could execute boldness when entering the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 10:19). Notice the writer used the imagery of the tabernacle to express the necessary source, which is the blood of Jesus to reach God.

Therefore, when we truly comprehend the meaning of the Savior's Supremacy in relative to our relationship with God. The outcome should strengthen our relationship and weaken the effect of lows in our life. Remember, the Savior stripped us of all sin and darkness, so we could again obtain fellowship with God. Since the Savior caused us to become pure before the Father's eyes, then I should increase my love for God through the obedience of His words while remembering that he came to save us. Not because of any virtuous deed that we have done but only because of his extravagant mercy. (Titus 3:5 TPT) The supremacy of the Savior calls me to remain faithful despite the lows I may experience in my present circumstances. For that sole reason, I agree with the writer - Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;) Hebrews 10:23


Authentic Faith


Thinking Differently