Your Ethnicity In Heaven

After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands. (Revelation 7:9 NKJV)

How many times have we heard sermons, lectures, and conversations that encourage us to strive for a heavenly home? In Revelation, the Apostle John paints a scene with words in which he describes an unmeasurable number of people performing a praise. This incalculable number is so enormous that John declares that no one could count the number of individuals. Subsequently, the focus that grabbed my attention rests on John's recognition of different nations with each uniqueness of culture, ethnicity, and background. With astonishment of the vast diversity that exists on this platform, he recounts that this multitude of heavenly beings are wearing synchronizing attire as they in harmony sing these words:

Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.

These lyrics signify the Father's and Son's oneness as a representation of their deliverance of this multitude. In this future setting, oneness cannot occur unless believers achieve such on Earth. Remember, the Savior even prayed for oneness "…all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us…" (John 17:21) After John unveils the number for each tribe of Israelites, he recognizes this enormous multitude. Yet, they consist of different races and nationalities. My interpretation of this scene rests on the premise that John saw all nations, tribes, people, and tongues so whatever your current birth race, it will remain for eternity. Like all, I must accept my unique individuality. I am what God allowed to occur naturally, so my future ethnicity is sealed forever.

Therefore, to achieve oneness as reflected in the Godhead, each believer must refrain from using the term Christian as a noun. Why? If I identify myself as a Black Christian, a White Christian, a Hispanic Christian, or an Asian Christian, this description allows the term Christian to become a noun. Instead of a fixation on a particular person, place, or thing, believers should use this term, Christian as a multiplier. Ultimately, as believers become workers for the Kingdom, their individuality takes center stage while enabling non-believers to acknowledge their character and personality instead of their visible ethnicity. For instance, non-believers will note that these persons are Christian Blacks, Christian Whites, Christian Hispanics, or Christian Asians. In other words, they will recognize that these individuals with diverse backgrounds reflect a common theme. When we use the term Christian as a descriptive multiplier, we preserve the uniqueness of our individuality while characterizing our oneness in the body of Christ. Remember, the same Apostle recorded these words spoken by the Savior, by this shall all men know that ye are my disciples if ye have love one to another. (John 13:35 KJV)

As believers, we must reach across racial and cultural lines to demonstrate love toward others. Since our ethnicity will remain intact for eternity, believers must renounce biased conversations that divide people into categories of race and ethnicity. We must allow God's love to materialize for our fellow believers of different backgrounds. This type of love will emerge as the focal point instead of pejorative speech resulting in criticism, hostility, and disregard for individuals who are different. Remember, if believers lack unity on Earth, how will they gather in heaven to sing a song of deliverance?

My Prayer:

Dearest Heavenly Father, help me to demonstrate oneness in my life with other believers while aiding me to consecrate and obey Your Word of Truth. Often, I am unable to phantom your love. Yet, I recognize your amazing LOVE so I pray that this world will see YOU working in my life by exhibiting oneness. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


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