Let Zion Rejoice
Lesson Text: Isaiah 52:1-2, 7-12
Thought to Remember: Thy God reigneth!
Lessons learned:
This lesson in Isaiah's prophesies about Jerusalem's restoration speaks of a time when God will restore His city, as reflected in the Garden of Eden as noted in Genesis. This restoration will consist of the same inhabitants (humankind), but evil no longer ranges to imprison its inhabitants. As modern-day believers, we must awaken from the fact that we are no longer victims of incogitant as thoughtless and inconsiderate but children of God who represent vessels of the Lord. Presently, worldly cares plague humankind while hindering the progression as God intended toward His ultimate purpose. In other words, the affairs of this natural life captivate us to the point that we forget our true Kingdom purpose. As children of God, we should focus on our Kingdom's purpose and escape the world's distractions. We should strive to show love, kindness, and compassion to others and work to bring God’s Kingdom to earth. We should live our lives following His will and purpose. For example, we should strive to be a light in a dark world, spreading the Gospel's good news and showing God's love and grace to the world. In doing so, we can honor God and bring Him glory.
You are free - Children of God!
You are no longer a slave to the cares of this world but free in Christ.
My Prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, we rejoice in Your greatness and acknowledge that You are a God who reigns eternally. Please grant us the necessary tools to become and remain worthy vessels for Your Kingdom. Help us to represent You to those around us every day. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.