A Tranformation Continued

Lesson Text: Ezekiel 47:13-25 KJV

If Ezekiel saw outsiders included in God's inheritance, this vision would allow us to see how God values all persons who accept His Kingdom. If God is gracious to accept non-Israelites, how prepared are we to accept and share our inheritance with outsiders? Are we willing to open our arms and welcome others, regardless of their background or beliefs? Are we willing to open our hearts and share God's love with others? Are we willing to extend grace and mercy to all? These rhetorical questions should enable you to think about the true intent of serving as God's imagers in this world. Since God created mankind in His image and likeness, are we replicating its benefits? In other words, believers are the mirror that reflects God's character, and when we bless others, we reflect His light. As God's imagers, we are that beacon of hope for the world. How? God's imagers embody His qualities of love, compassion, and forgiveness. It involves striving to act with integrity and kindness, showing others the same grace God extends to us. By living in a way that reflects God's character, we become vessels through which His presence and peace multiply to others, including outsiders, as they share in the same inheritance of God.


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